Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Daring Rescue

The Key West Alternative Energy Center had a little bit of a crisis after it was discovered that an iguana had gotten itself stuck inside one of the covers above a bay door. A rescue effort led by Sandito Santiago was mounted, and soon most of the class joined in to help. 

At first, Santiago attempted to scare the hapless creature out of the chamber by banging on the door cage, but this served only to upset the iguana.

Next a combination of gentle pulling and prodding was attempted to provoke the creature out of where it had trapped itself but this too proved unsuccessful.

After this, Santiago and his help tried a new strategy by attempting to remove the door cage,  but after it was discovered that this was impossible this effort was abandoned.

Finally an opportunity presented itself and Santiago sprung into action, getting a firm grip on the iguana's tail; After a struggle the iguana finally came free.

 The iguana, of course, was none to happy about being handled, and after a quick photoshoot was set free in the woods along the side of the Center. Hopefully he won't be back.

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