Monday, February 14, 2011

Fields and Meadows...

Continuing with the student profiles,
this is Arielle Campo.

...also known as "Fields and Meadows".

Clearman pointed out that the name derives from the Spanish word "campo" which is a field or a meadow in English. Bueno. Arielle is an extremely motivated student. Not only is she the first to complete the biodiesel-making process, she is working hard with another group of students to repaint the outside areas of the classroom with wonderful murals. She is also a partial blogger who frequently brings new ideas and interesting subjects to post. She is truly talented and her humor and wit usually keeps the class laughing. Keep up the good work, "Fields and Meadows"; we're proud!

Campo's finished biodiesel product.
Part of the mural Campo worked on. It is where we store our biodiesel. Marvelous, huh?

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