Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Have you ever wondered what the inside of an engine looked like? Well biodiesel 2 students sure have. As seen in the picture below, one very muscular group of young men have taken it upon themselves to cut an engine of a lawn mower perfectly in half. When they succeed, we will be able to see exactly how an engine works. What goes where, when fluid X enters into chamber Y.
Can they do it? I think yes :)

But don't let me fool you readers, cutting an engine in two is not the only new project our class will be working on. It's not even the only meeting that we need strong young men to accomplish. Our predecessors put up a wind turbine, and as lovely as it is, and grateful as we are, and left it unfinished. They left out the ever so important sign. But never fear, the newbies are here. Three young men must dig two holes 36 inches deep to put the sign deep into the ground.

So readers see, we are always up to something in KWHS's 2nd period biodiesel!

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